1 = Tone

2 = Øyvind

3 = Erik

4 = Gurå

5 = Krister

# = Trine

- = Ingvild

Light 5 off.

Light on 4.


4: We are the last five.






Light 5 on.

(Head lifted at 3, lowered at 1.)




Light 5 off.







Light on 5.

(Head lifted at 3. )









(Head lowered at 1.)


(Head lifted at 2.)



(Lowered head at 2.)


(Head lifted at 1.)


- 1



(Lowered head at 1.)

3: Now?


3: Didn«t he say something?

1: No.

3: Did you make love to him?

1: Yes.

3: And he didn«t say anything?

1: No.

3: Did he cry?

1: Yes.

3: Screaming?

1: Yes.

3: Begging for mercy?

1: Yes.

3: Said nothing?





3: He didn«t say it?



3: Did you make love to him?

1: Yes.

3: And he didn«t say it?










3: So why stop?











(Head lifted at 2.)

3: Free? 2

2: Yes.

3: Take him away and make love to him.

2: What does he have to say?

3: That he was loving too.
















4: Good.

I am lonely.

In the summer.




(Lowered head at 2.)

3: Now?


3: He didn«t say it?







4: I start again.



3: He didn«t say where?


2: Where?








- 3


3: Screaming?









2: I tried.









5: Then stop?

3: Yes.

5: Good.


4: Good.






(Lowered head at 1.)









5: Why must I say it?






What does he mean? What does he mean?

Give us a kind of clue?

What does he mean? What does he mean?

What is he going to do?