FUNNYSORRYJESUS Duration: 1 hour. The audience are well seated in a room (eg shop) with a big window facing the street or another public space. Baktruppen act outside, displaying the view and playing highlights from the Bible. For this we will need: 1 electronic geophone. Like the one they use in the waterworks/sewerage system: to put on the ground to listen to the sound of leaks in the plumbing and thereby finding where the leak is. With output for headphones. 1 good soundsystem with monitors. 1 small sound mixer. 2 - 4 condensator microphones to be used outdoors. 2 profiles 1000w on tripods, for outdoors. Pyrotechnics - 4 vulcanoes, 6 meters long, 60 seconds duration - 1 big yellow smoke, 2 - 3 minutes duration - 2 small smoke-puffs - 2 small flashes - 1 massive confetti bomb All effects are to be fired on stage i.e. outdoors by Baktruppen. (for the miracles) 1 car that can stand one person sitting on its roof. 1 table on wheels (approx. 5m x 1m x 1m) 1 cross on wheels (approx. 2m x 2m). 1 outdoor grill to be mounted in the table. Some red wine 1 outdoor lift. With small base. To lift one person to heaven, or at least 10 - 12 meter up in the air. 1 fish 2 red apples Gaffa tape 1 spacious warderobe with a toilet and some towels. Some mineral water and fruit would be great. All equipment should be cabled by the technical staff together with Baktruppen. Both sound and visual equipment have to be well tested before the audience let in. At least one technician should be stand by during the show.